For Case Managers, Discharge Planners, Nurses, Physicians, and Social Workers that are coordinating care for their Patients to transition to home infusion, there's a lot of planning and organization that needs to take place. We make it our goal at Landmark to take the work off your plate to make the transition for your Patient as seamless and carefree as possible. We prioritize the safety and success of all our Patients on home infusion therapy. Before the Patient is discharged, our skilled team of Pharmacy professionals work quickly and efficiently to take the following items off your plate-
Home Health Coordination
Verify or Find the Following Physician
Robust Assessment & Education
Evaluate Home Environment
Help with Discharge Barriers
Our Intake team makes it easy to send an order for home infusion medication for a Patient. We call this a "clean order". There are multiple benefits to receiving a clean order, some are timely processing, limited need to go back and forth getting information, and smoother transitions home. If you have a Patient in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that is needing to transition to home infusion, please include the following items on your 1-step "clean order"-
Medication or Therapy
Dose, Frequency, Length of Therapy
Recent Labs
Physician Signature
IV Access Information
Heparin – Saline Orders for Flushing
First Dose Information
Clinical Records
Anticipated Discharge Date
Our Intake staff works on each order as soon as we receive it to ensure the delivery of the Patients' home infusion medication is timely. As soon as our Pharmacy receives the order, three things are started by our staff. They are-
We provide Confirmation of Receipt of Order
Landmark Infusion Intake & Coordination launches our ‘Go-Home’ Process
Our in-the-field team starts working the order at the ground level pulling together major elements of the order
Our Pharmacy is here to help you and your Patients as they transfer to home infusion. Our Pharmacy fax number is (888) 249-3132 and our email is
