Our Patients live in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas and the surrounding areas in North Texas. As we are approaching the hot summer months, the North Texas region is one that can get especially scorching for an extended period of time. At Landmark, we want all of our Patients to stay safe year round and the summer months can be dangerous for those who are vulnerable and don't take necessary precautions. Here are a few tips for our seniors (or caregivers of seniors) on staying safe through Texas' balmy summers.
Stay Hydrated Drinking water and staying hydrated is a priority for all of us no matter the time of year, but especially during the summer months it is important to drink water and stay hydrated all day long. Making a goal to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day or more is an excellent place to start. There are water bottles and jugs that can also help you track your water consumption and keep you on track. Also be sure to avoid caffeinated beverages especially when in the sun as they can be dehydrating.
Wear Sunscreen It is so important to keep your skin protected when spending any time outside or even in cars and near windows. UV rays are damaging to the skin and without proper sun protection, they can cause skin cancer. There are many excellent sunscreens on the market now, you will want to look for one that covers UVA and UVB rays. Also remember to reapply at least every 2 hours and if you are engaging in water activities, be sure to always have sunscreen on hand.
Wear Protective Eyewear and Clothing Along with wearing sunscreen, wearing protective sunglasses and a hat when possible can help protect you from the sun's harsh rays. The sun can damage your eyesight so keeping a good pair of protective sunglasses on hand is a must for the summer and a wide brimmed hat can keep the sun from beating down on your face and neck.
Stay Cool From ensuring your air conditioner system is working properly, to wearing light, breathable clothing when outside, take the time to make sure you are staying cool as much as possible. This can directly help prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Avoid the Sun During Peak Hours The sun shines brightest from 10:00am to 3:00pm so when possible, try to reserve outdoor activities such as gardening or outdoor exercise for before or after that window to avoid the sun. When you do spend time outside, of course remember to keep water nearby.
Know the Symptoms of Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion For both heat stroke and hear exhaustion, these can be dangerous for those over the age of 65 who are more at risk. Recognizing the signs and acting quickly is crucial. For heat exhaustion, some of the early signs can be light-headedness, fatigue, muscle cramping, and nausea. If you notice these symptoms, you'll want to act quickly by going into an air conditioned room, using a cool compress, and drinking plenty of fluids. Heat stroke on the other hand, will require immediate medical attention. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911- rapid heart rate, confusion, dizziness, vomiting, body temperature above 104 degrees, or loss of consciousness.
For all of our Patients, we are here for you 24/7. Be sure to stay safe and cool in the summer months!
